saw many Russian musical web pages, but unfortunately I have not
found pages about bassoon only, therefore I've decided to create
something here.
this site you can find lots of bassoon pieces
of music at such formats as: TIF, PDF and MUS; musical fragments
and whole pieces in Mp3 format with bassoon
participation; download some video files and to read also small
information about bassoon instrument itself (in Russian).
on this site helps you to visit many different musical websites,
and also to visit a lot of foreign bassoon websites, sites of factories,
which makes musical instruments, reeds and such; personal pages
of bassoon players and other information. Those who speak English
or German could find there interesting and, I think, very useful
will be very grateful of everyone, who will spend a few minutes
for visiting my Guestbook. Your opinion, remarks and wishes about
this site are very important for me. Also welcome to the forum
and chat.
I'd like to say thanks to everybody, who has helped and is continuing help me in development of this project. If this site is interesting for you and you like it, I will be glad to accept your help, ideas and so on.